Who needs knitting courses and why

Exclusive and unique handmade items are trending, especially crocheted items. According to Vogue magazine, stars and designers now prefer knitted cardigans instead of the usual jackets.

In addition to this, there are many other advantages to start knitting:

health benefits – knitting soothes and engages the fine motor skills of the hands, which is good for the nervous system and thinking abilities;
Products to suit your needs – it often happens that in the store you see a model of clothing, but it does not suit you or something you want to change in it. With knowledge of pattern construction and product model, you will knit a thing that will fit you perfectly;
Knitting is suitable for everyone – children as a hobby and a process for development, students and girls on maternity leave for extra income. If you have retired but don’t want to sit idle, you can take up knitting. Perhaps just a hobby will grow into your own business.
But to make good money, you need to learn craftsmanship and advancement, and you also need to practice and work hard. The fastest way to master knitting is to take a knitting course for beginners online or offline. Of course, you can learn to knit on your own, but it will take a lot more time and miles of yarn.

Whichever way you choose, you’ll find useful materials for yourself in this article, from online books to literature to mobile knitting apps.

Online knitting courses

Hand-knitting is now popular and in demand, so many people are beginning to master this skill. More and more instructional videos from inexperienced professionals are appearing online, which makes it difficult to choose when looking for a good course. In addition, some materials are based on outdated and irrelevant knitting techniques, which are associated with grandmother’s things from the 90s.

We have researched different programs and selected four modern courses that will teach you how to create trendy items for yourself or for sale. All courses are suitable for beginners – all you have to do is learn the program and choose your direction: knitting, crochet or hand knitting.

Our course selection criteria

The team has been talking about popular areas of online education for more than five years. The fundamental factors for us are objectivity, professionalism, and expertise.

Not one, but several specialists work on the selection of programs: editors, copywriters, seo-specialists, marketers, etc. We always invite an expert to evaluate the courses in a particular direction – only a professional in his business, can accurately determine how well built the program and whether it is worth the money.

Also, when choosing knitting courses online, we also paid attention to the following criteria:

  • Teachers – they should only be expert practitioners with experience. We carefully studied the portfolio of teachers of knitting courses, so that you do not run into charlatans;
  • The program – it is important to us that the program is appropriate for the level of students it is aimed at. If the course is for beginners, it should start from the very basics – from yarn selection to learning how to set the stitches;
  • Learning outcomes – we prefer courses where you end up with at least one finished piece to add to your portfolio.